Hyberbaric Oxygen Treatment

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been used for many years to treat a variety of conditions, but the practice is still not well understood by most people. In this blog, we’ll explain everything you need to know about hyperbaric oxygen therapy, including how it works and who can benefit from this treatment.
There are many different types of hyperbaric therapy for different health conditions. For instance, people with coronary artery disease have hyperbaric treatment for decreasing the risk of heart attacks. Some people use it to treat PTSD. Children with sleep disorders use it to promote deeper sleep. People who have had brain damage due to certain trauma can use it to help them regenerate normal neuronal connections and restore brain function.

What conditions can it help?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a treatment available to any adult with any form of circulatory disorders, neuromuscular disorders, head injuries, and certain types of cancers. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help treat many different conditions. The only restriction to hyperbaric oxygen therapy is that it must be medically indicated. This means that a doctor must diagnose the condition and recommend it. Here are some conditions where hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be helpful:

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can treat carbon monoxide poisoning by replenishing the oxygen in the body. If you are poisoned by carbon monoxide, hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help by increasing the amount of oxygen in the body. It’s not a cure for carbon monoxide poisoning, but it can help prevent or lessen the effects. When carbon monoxide is breathed into the lungs, the poison causes fluid to build up in the lungs because it blocks oxygen from being absorbed. The hyperbaric oxygen therapy sends oxygen under high pressure to help push out the fluid. The increased pressure also helps to break down the carbon monoxide so it can be removed from the body.

Healing wounds

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy or HBOT is a treatment for wounds that works by increasing tissue oxygenation. It helps the tissues to heal, prevent infection and promotes natural healing response. HBOT helps in replacing the oxygen byproducts in tissues and also helps supply the body with more oxygen. It also stimulates the production of new blood cells. One of the ways that HBOT supports wound healing is by increasing the level of dissolved oxygen in the fluids inside wounds, thus creating an environment where bacteria cannot thrive.

Decompression sickness

Decompression sickness is a condition that is most common among people who have been scuba diving or have been in a high altitude. This condition is caused when the body ascends from a lower pressure environment to a higher-pressure environment.
In this type of therapy, a person breathes 100% oxygen while they are inside a pressurized chamber. The pressurized chamber simulates the pressure of the atmosphere at the surface of the Earth, and the person is able to breathe normally. This type of therapy is a treatment for decompression sickness because breathing 100% oxygen while at a simulated atmospheric pressure allows the gas bubbles in the blood to re-enter the blood’s circulatory system. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is often used in the treatment of decompression sickness because it is one of the most effective treatments available.

Thermal burns treatment

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a common treatment for thermal burns, which are caused by contact with extremely hot objects. The air pressure is increased in a hyperbaric chamber, and pure oxygen is introduced. This helps to oxygenate the body and promote the healing of wounds and injuries. The increased air pressure and pure oxygen increase the amount of oxygen in the body and tissues, which prevents tissue damage and promotes healing. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy will not heal burns that have been caused by contact with molten metal or anything that causes chemical burns.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Concussion

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy helps to reduce inflammation and swelling caused by TBI and concussion. It also supports the restoration of brain function and reduced headache due to superoxygenation of the blood and brain tissue.

How does hyperbaric oxygen therapy work?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been in use since the 1950s. Early trials involved using pure oxygen. After several years, researchers began using oxygen in combination with nitrous oxide. It is an odorless gas, commonly used for pain relief in dentistry.
In the 1990s, oxygen chambers were developed specifically for the treatment of respiratory conditions. These chambers are essentially giant metal boxes with a glass roof that can safely expose people to as much as 100 feet (30 meters) of pressurized oxygen. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy exposes the body to 100% oxygen under pressure. 100% oxygen is delivered under pressure to the patient’s lungs, which increases the amount of oxygen available to the body.
A pressure gradient is created between the blood and venous system as well as inside and outside of the chamber, which causes the oxygen to dissolve in the blood. This means that HBOT can be used to treat medical conditions that are caused by a lack of oxygen.

Why is it better than other treatments?

Unlike traditional oxygen therapy, which requires that you breathe pure oxygen from a tank to be effective, hyperbaric oxygen therapy uses 100% oxygen as the primary source of therapy. The oxygen in this hyperbaric chamber gets mixed with the patient’s own blood and kept circulating around the body.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is much more effective than other treatments. In some cases, it can be twice as effective as conventional treatments, including:
Breathing machines – Breathing machines create low pressure and high oxygen in the blood. These machines work on the idea that in order to push oxygen through the body, the muscles have to exercise and don’t create enough pressure to do that on their own.

Benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT, is a medical treatment used to treat many conditions. Through a series of treatments that vary depending on the condition, many well studied effects are produced.

There are some clear benefits to taking advantage of this therapy. In a survey that was conducted by the National Air and Space Medical Association, some of the most popular indications were infection and concussion.

HBOT provides the following benefits:

Increased red blood cell production and increased arterial connections
Increased stem cell production
Increased antioxidant production
Decreases inflammation
Fights bacterial and viral infection
Wound healing

What is the cost of treatment?

The average treatment at the center lasts 2 hours, and then a technician checks the body to determine if the patient can be released. The cost of treatment ranges from $50-$60 per hour.
The treatment is done through a special chamber that takes passengers in, and requires a qualified technician to administer the treatment. These technicians are able to extend each treatment to improve the patient’s condition and allow them to be fully recovered.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a new and exciting approach to healing a variety of medical conditions. It is a safe, noninvasive, and effective treatment for a number of medical conditions, including skin ulcers, decompression illness, carbon monoxide poisoning, traumatic brain injury, stroke, concussion, and decompression sickness. It can also be used to help heal wounds and burns. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the use of 100% pure oxygen under high pressure. The high-pressure oxygen increases the amount of oxygen that is delivered to the body’s tissues and organs, which speeds up the healing process.